This makes me so proud! And thankful!
I hope to keep this momentum going. I think there is an annual amount that can be donated in honor of a patient to keep them on the Donor Wall. It would make me so happy to know Corinne's name could mark the walls of Arkansas Children's hospital for years to come. So I hope to have fundraisers in the future for proceeds to go to ACH. So with that said if anyone is up to make donations in Corinne's memory we would be so appreciative! Every dollar counts!, there are no small contributions :)
The care we got at ACH was amazing and never once made me doubt we were getting the best care for Corinne possible. The NICU staff of doctors and nurses were amazing! Though the doctors personal skills may be lacking at times their medical brilliance was not, there are some pretty amazing doctors that work there and are making huge impacts in the lives of so many families. My sisters both work in the medical community and I always had a respect for them, but after going through 29days of hospital care I truly realized the impact the medical community makes on the lives of so many. It brings a whole new level or respect to me for the medical community thats for sure!!
Ryan and I have not made it back to ACH but hope to soon to see Corinne's name on the wall!!
Angel One Helicopter team arrives at Mercy to take Corinne to ACH (July 12th)
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