Tuesday July 12, 2011 we arrived at the hospital (Mercy in Rogers) at 6am, Pitocin by 7am, painful contractions by 8am, epidermal by 9am, bliss by 9:30am ( except for on my right side that didn’t take fully to the epidermal), lunch with Evan at 12pm ( menu: ice chips and a few bites of Evan’s chicken), 1pm I felt like I needed to push, 1:15pm pushing, and by 1:27pm our beautiful baby girl Corinne Sophia Moll was born weighing 7lbs 6oz and 20 inches long. My labor was awesome, I kept on saying that it was a form of torture to make a women go through labor without being induced. I went through 7 hours of level 10 painful contractions with Evan and only like a level 6 painful contractions with Corinne for 45minutes!
The minute our perfect baby girl was born our lives changed forever… Corinne immediately wasn’t breathing and the doctor left me to go work on her. She was bagged because she wasn’t breathing and they started chest compressions, within minutes two NICU nurses, a pediatrician, and a respiratory doctor were in our room working on getting Corinne breathing and her heart beating. After about 10 minutes they had her stable and I got to hold her for the first time, which only last about 1 minute because I could tell she didn’t “ look good” so I handed her to Ryan who put her in her bed and the nurses took her to the NICU for evaluation. After a few hours of waiting we finally got to go back to the NICU and see Corinne. She looked good, her eyes were open, she would flinch and whine a little when I leaned down to kiss her and my hair brushed across her face. I got to hold her for about 15 minutes and then we were told a pediatrician was going to come evaluate her and then come and talk to us around 5pm. When the pediatrician came he told us that he had 3 concerns about Corinne 1 her “tone” (movement) was low, some “distinctive” facial features, and a “hiccupy” breathing. He said we would watch her overnight and then if there were still concerns we would go the Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock in the morning. After the doctor left we were trying to be calm, but what we kept on thinking was “should we wait until the morning to go to Children’s”…. By 9pm another pediatrician was on call and he was coming to tell us that Corinne had had two seizures and that she would be immediately transferred to Children’s, but because of the bad weather conditions ( rain storm) the ambulance would have to drive from there and then back ( 7hours). Our friends Sarah, Jeff, and Robin were in the room when the news was delivered. They instantly stepped into the hall and started game planning. Robin would stay overnight with me, while Ryan and Jeff would drive to Little Rock, and then Sarah and I would leave first thing in the morning. Around 11pm the “Angel One” helicopter team was wheeling Corinne into the room for me to say goodbye, the weather had cleared and they were able to fly!! Robin and I said our goodbyes and then I tried to sleep (I am sure Robin did not sleep at all on her plastic love seat and me snoring a few feet away)
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